Thursday 29 June 2017

Introduction to the news

I have watched BBC news at 10 on the 28th of June 2017, within this broadcast the stories covered in this order were; prosecution of multiple people after an overcrowded football game 30 years ago, political news on affecting salary cap for people working in the public sector, further news on the London apartment building fire, an interview with a police officer after a terrorist attack in London, news on a chimpanzee that has died after being kidnaped and the death of Paddington bear author Michael Bond. within the starting sequence of the new program Huw Edwards (The news presenter) presented which stories will be presented giving short cliff hanger type clips of all the stories to make the viewer more interested to watch the full program as well as using shocking titles.
The role of a news broadcaster is to further enhance the images or interviews shown within the program and give bits of information which may not have video or image reference, for this the skills a news presenter would have to have would be clear pronunciation and an ability to get information across through words.

What is meant by news ordering? News ordering is the order in which stories will be shown within the broadcast.
The first story within a news broadcast to be shown is usually an inspiring / good story which will make the viewer more relaxed for example the first story in the broadcast I watched was family's receiving justice for events that happened over 30 years ago.
a slow news day is one in which there is no breaking news so the broadcast will have to find a lot of little stories to fill time.

Where the news is trusted by many it can also be very bias in its selection of story, omission of information, headlines and even the language used by the presenter. Politics has been very high on the news scale lately due to the recent election and the shocking result of the Labour party, different news stations have different political views, for example on the BBC I have noticed over the past month that they seem to tell only the good about Theresa May and anything bad about Jeremy Corbin is put out of proportion, this is done due to selection and omission of information and certain clips from interviews being used and not the full interview, a particular story of this would be before the election when Jeremy Corbin had a radio interview and didn't have the figure to a new proposal to hand, this story was talked about for over a week and every time, Jeremy Corbin's talking was cut off and the interviews of the people where all bias and saying that Corbin was unfit for government.
bias is also used in 'bad' story's for example lately there has been many terror attacks and the headlines for the news always say something to do with Terrorists and the amount of people killed causing people to unite in hatred towards the people who have committed these acts.

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