Tuesday 18 October 2016

I like this Short film as it has a lot of humor to it by comparing the man to a horse and having him act like a horse would in a typical movie centering around horses. The use of slow panning shots give the film a calm feel as well as the choice of classical music. The film also compares the man to a cow which is seen as trapped, this could be a link to him being stuck in a boring job in an office (because of the suit) when he wants to have a more adventurous life.

 I enjoy this short film because the acting is good making the film more immersive and funny. The film uses various types of shot to show the emotions of the different characters, for example a POV shot is used with two of the characters on the ground looking up at the unicorn making it seem more powerful, the film also uses a close up on one of characters faces when he is jealous of the unicorn. There are also quite a few establishing shots at the start of the film which makes the deal look more shady.

Will you remember?   by Mimi van Rinsum   


I like this film as it uses jittery stop frame animation making the memory's seem like some of it is missing, which is the purpose of this short film. They have a good use of editing the audio making it seem like the couples are speaking to a interviewer separately from their partner.  

Monday 17 October 2016

Low budget film making:

'The Blair witch project' was a low budget film made in 1999 which only had a budget of $60,000 this can be seen by the lack of CGI in post production and cast, also the cast was not made up of well known actors, but what makes the film so effective is the use of a video camera maned by an actor giving it a documentary feel which makes the film more scary. nearer the end of the film both actors who have video cameras are made out to have been attacked by "the Blair witch" and the camera cuts out as it hits the ground so they don't need to use an extra actor or CGI for the "Blair witch" to save on budget.

Friday 14 October 2016

Change of hands

The purpose of this short film project was to create a short film which had a change of hands. I believe that me and my crew did a good job on this project as we included most of the required shots and the acting was decent too, but there where parts in the film in which I am not happy with as some of the scenes needed editing in post production and the some scenes did not follow the mise-en-scene as our location was limited as we had limited time.